Creaturi, Producator: Owner, Spro, Delphin

Nimfa Delphin BOMB, Fruity, 2.5cm, 10buc/plic
Pret special 1349Lei
Pret standard 1749Lei
in stoc (magazin, depozit)
Nimfa Delphin BOMB, Pearl, 2.5cm, 10buc/plic
Pret special 1349Lei
Pret standard 1749Lei
in stoc (magazin, depozit)
Nimfa Delphin BOMB, Brick, 2.5cm, 10buc/plic
Pret special 1349Lei
Pret standard 1749Lei
in stoc (magazin, depozit)
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Pearl, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Worm Delphin B! StinxWORM Garlic, Fire, 4cm, 50buc/plic
Pret special 2299Lei
Pret standard 2799Lei
in stoc (depozit)
Nimfa Delphin BOMB, Frogs, 2.5cm, 10buc/plic
Pret special 1349Lei
Pret standard 1749Lei
in stoc (magazin, depozit)
Broasca Spro Iris The Frog, Green Frog, 12cm
in stoc furnizor
Broasca Spro Iris The Frog, Brown Frog, 12cm
in stoc furnizor
Broasca Spro Iris The Frog, Firetiger, 12cm
in stoc (depozit)
Nimfa Delphin BOMB, Neon, 2.5cm, 10buc/plic
Pret special 1349Lei
Pret standard 1749Lei
in stoc (magazin, depozit)
Creatura Delphin Bomb Nympha, Candy, 10buc/plic
Pret special 1349Lei
Pret standard 1749Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Creatura Delphin Bomb Nympha, Reactor, 10buc/plic
Pret special 1349Lei
Pret standard 1749Lei
in stoc (depozit)
Broasca Spro Iris The Frog, Redhead, 12cm
in stoc furnizor
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, DeadSnow, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
in stoc (depozit)
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, MudGold, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Greench, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Creatura Owner Yuki Bug, Grub White, 8.5cm, 5.9g, 8buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Candy, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Reactor, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Neon, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Frogs, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, FireDot, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Owner Getnet Juster Bug, Green Pumpkin Seed, 5.8cm, 9buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Creatura Owner Getnet Juster Bug, Glow, 5.8cm, 9buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Creatura Spro FreeStyle Urban Prey Hog, Citrus Disco, 5.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1934Lei
Pret standard 2700Lei
in stoc (magazin)
Creatura Spro FreeStyle Urban Prey Hog, Cray, 5.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 2111Lei
Pret standard 2700Lei
in stoc (magazin)
Creatura Spro FreeStyle Urban Prey Hog, Cray, 7cm, 4buc/plic
Pret special 1711Lei
Pret standard 2700Lei
in stoc (magazin)
Creatura Spro FreeStyle Urban Prey Hog, Glitter Roach, 7cm, 4buc/plic
Pret special 1440Lei
Pret standard 2700Lei
in stoc (magazin)
Creatura Spro FreeStyle Urban Prey Hog, Pink Noise, 7cm, 4buc/plic
in stoc furnizor
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Berry, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Yella, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Creatura Owner Yuki Bug, Green Pumpkin, 8.5cm, 5.9g, 8buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Creatura Owner Yuki Bug, Watermelon Red, 8.5cm, 5.9g, 8buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Creatura Owner Yuki Bug, Watermelon Black, 8.5cm, 5.9g, 8buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Creatura Owner Yuki Bug, Black Blue, 8.5cm, 5.9g, 8buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Creatura Owner Yuki Bug, Cinnamon Blue, 8.5cm, 5.9g, 8buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Creatura Owner Yuki Bug, Solid Pink, 8.5cm, 5.9g, 8buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Creatura Owner Yuki Bug, Chartreuse Yellow, 8.5cm, 5.9g, 8buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile
Nimfa Delphin MANYA UVs, Brick, 10.5cm, 5buc/plic
Pret special 1599Lei
Pret standard 1899Lei
la comanda, 7-14 zile
Owner Getnet Juster Bug, Watermelon Seed, 5.8cm, 9buc/plic
la comanda, 2-3 zile


Creaturile reprezinta un tip de naluci suple cu mai multe apendice vibratile, care imita raci, broaste, lipitori, creveti, nimfe sau alte insecte subacvatice. Cel mai adesea se utilizeaza prin armarea cu jig, mai ales in pescuitul la salau, stiuca si biban.

Exista variante constructive in care nalucile sunt impregnate cu miros sau gust pentru a le creste puterea de atractie. Produse intr-o varietate foarte mare de culori si forme, creaturile sunt naluci care au o actiune imediata, deosebit de eficiente.